1. SQL Workshop 3.0 Overview 2. Pricing 3. Installing the Demo *** IMPORTANT READ THIS *** SQL Workshop 3.0 Overview This software is a demonstration of SQL Workshop 3.0. It steps you through a typical usage of SQL Workshop and contains approximately 55 slides. SQL Workshop is a powerful database development tool for querying, creating, and maintaining database objects. It is the ONLY TOOL AVAILABLE that delivers a fully integrated stored procedure development environment for SYBASE and Microsoft SQL Server databases INCLUDING A STORED PROCEDURE DEBUGGER. SQL Workshop is the perfect supplement when using Powersoft’s Powerbuilder, Microsoft Visual Basic, or any other GUI based development tool. By automating many of the tasks you perform to develop and maintain database objects, SQL Workshop increases your productivity and reduces your development time. SQL Workshop works with any ODBC compliant database making it the only tool you'll need to manage all of the data and databases in your enterprise. In addition to adhoc query facilities and database management tools, SQL Workshop enables you to: Debug stored procedures within the Windows environment SQL Workshop is the only product that lets you debug stored procedures within the MS Windows environment ! Place break points within a procedure, select the variables you would like to "watch", then run the procedure. SQL Workshop stops at the breakpoints within the procedure and displays the values of your chosen "watch" variables. SQL Workshop also allows you to "trace breakpoints" which enables you to run a procedure from start to finish and still view the values of the "watch" variables. In addition to displaying "watch" variables, SQL Workshop also displays timing information at each break point which enables you to quickly locate performance problems within your procedures. Reverse engineer database objects SQL Workshop can easily create and reverse engineer database objects. SQL Workshop can recreate all database objects including tables, indexes, procedures, triggers, views, etc. Simply select the object you want to work with and SQL Workshop retrieves the SQL text of the object. You can then change and reload the object back into the database. Run Bulk Copy within the Windows environment SQL Workshop enables you to run the SQL Server Bulk Copy Program (BCP) from within the Windows environment. You can also copy data from one server to another without having to switch connections between servers. No more hassles exiting Windows to the DOS prompt and formatting the BCP command line. Simply select a table to export/import data from/to, choose your delimiters, and click RUN. That's all there is to it. Compare and update data between two tables SQL Workshop is the only database tool that can compare and transfer data between tables. The tables can even exist on different servers and be from different database types (i.e. Oracle and Sybase). SQL Workshop compares the data between the tables and updates the destination table based on the options you choose. This invaluable in keeping tables in different environments in-sync with one another. Export table data into text delimited files SQL Workshop is the only database tool that let's you store the results of any SQL statement (including execution of stored procedures) in text delimited files. This enables you to easily change or merge table layouts without losing the data within the tables. Simply extract the data using a SQL SELECT query, change the table layout(s), and load the extracted data back into the new table. Automatically generate stored procedure SQL scripts SQL Workshop will generate Insert, Update, Delete and Select Stored Procedure code for you. Simply select a table, choose the input parameters, and SQL Workshop does the rest. You can review the code, change it, save it to a file and/or execute it to create new procedures. Search database objects for specific text SQL Workshop provides a facility to search for text in SQL Server database objects. For example, you can search through all objects that reference the VIEW named MY_VIEW. You can search one or more databases. Even search the entire server ! Reference SQL Syntax using an on-line help facility SQL Workshop provides an on-line help facility for SQL syntax. You can view and paste the syntax into query windows. Then customize the syntax to your needs. This eliminates the need to remember complex SQL syntax. SQL Workshop Pricing SQL Workshop is priced per copy with site licenses available. Each copy of SQL Workshop can access an unlimited number of servers. $ 299.00 (US dollars) per order Payment can be made by VISA or MASTERCARD, Check or Money Order In U.S. Funds. International Payments can also be made via bank credit transfers. Contact ASI for further information about bank credit transfers Purchase Orders are also accepted. US Residents add $ 5.00 per order for shipping and handling Shipping and handling for International Orders vary based on location. Therefore, international orders should contact Analytical Solutions for actual costs. Georgia residents, add 6% sales tax per copy ordered. To order, use the ORDER.TXT file accompanying this file or contact: Analytical Solutions, Inc. 3857 Foxwood Rd. Duluth, GA 30136 USA Tel: (404) 416-8821 Compuserve: 74204,2246 Internet: 74204.2246@compuserve.com Installing the Demo To install and run the SQL Workshop demo, perform the following: Unzip the file DEMO.ZIP. This ZIP file contains 4 files. They are: SQLWS30.PPT - PowerPoint presentation of SQL Workshop (approx 5.9 meg) PPTVIEW.EXE - The PowerPoint Viewer used to view the demo. PRESS30.TXT - SQL Workshop 3.0 press release ORDER.TXT - SQL Workshop 3.0 order form Run the program PPTVIEW.EXE within the Microsoft Windows environment. When you are prompted to select a file, choose the SQLWS30.PPT file. The demonstration is best displayed in 640 X 480 video resolution. Distortion may occur if displayed on large monitors or different video resolutions. Once the demonstration begins, you can use the following mouse buttons/keys to control the flow of the demo: Left Mouse Button/Page Down Key - Go to next slide Right Mouse Button/Page Up Key - Go Back 1 slide Escape Key - Exit Demo The demo contains approximately 55 slides and reviews the major features of SQL Workshop. **** Thank you for using SQL Workshop ****